Jaimie and Jon Clark came to visit and we all talked about SEO and much more. Jaimie Clark is the VP of SEO at Centerfield and was previously the SEO Manager at Wirecutter, a New York Times company. Jon Clark runs his company, Moving transport media and was previously SEO in some big companies. inside first partpitted Jaimie against Jon in the SEO challenge – guess who won… Then in part two we talked about Jaimie and Jon Clark’s career pathsin the third part we talk about Jaimie Clarke professional career and rise to the title of Vice President of SEO in a large corporation. Then, in the fourth part, Jon and I talked about build an SEO agency.
In part five, I spoke with Jamie Clark about the Google Product Reviews update, as she worked at Wirecutter during the product review update. And she said that this update has been a long time coming and she was happy to see it and explained why. She said Google is good at weeding out counterfeiters. This update from Google helped Wirecutter in a big way and it was perfect timing.
We also discussed maybe the internal struggles of investing in such amazing content and reviews, but Google has been ranking lower quality sites for so many years. But one day, this update of product reviews ended up paying off big. But fighting this fight couldn’t have been easy before this update.
He applies the same principles to his work at Centerfield, and these principles are the only way to long-term SEO success.
Jon explained why Google needs to do this because users just want to be told what they want.
Then we talked about doing SEO for startups and Jon talked a lot about that. Jon said startups move so fast and grow so fast, and he has a passion for it. He was amazed to see how SEO could help fund investors. He explained the big difference between working with startups and big companies – you can simply move forward faster with less red tape. SEO is sometimes just more fun with startups. He mentioned some red flags when working with startups. Startups should be hiring; if a startup isn’t hiring, it can be unusual.
And then we finished the interview about what it’s like for two SEO couples who work at home in the same house. You can bounce SEO ideas off of each other, which Jaimie said perfectly. Jon said that Jaimie’s wisdom benefits his clients and Jaimie said the same, Wirecutter benefited from it. They talked a lot about the advantages of joint and domestic work from a professional and work point of view.
You can subscribe to our YouTube channel until click here so don’t miss the next role where I will be interviewing. I have a nice lineup of SEO and SEMS interviews planned, many of which you won’t want to miss – and I promise to keep improving these vlogs over time. If you would like to be interviewed, please fill out this form with your data.
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